Thursday, May 10, 2012

A Long Road Trip

This morning I departed to head to our river home so I could spend Mother's Day with Erin, Jessi & Liam...WOO HOO!!!
I left early, before the sun rose...
...this is my view as I left our mountain road.

I took pictures as I drove, NO, not looking through the camera, just pointing and shooting, to try to capture the landscape between NC and FL. Needless to say, most were blurry or off target.  But here are a few...

The sun was beautiful but blinding as it rose.

The fog in the early morning was brief but frequently present...

The terrain changed with the miles...

And changed some more...
There is an amazing transition of terrain traveling from NC and FL, logical of course, but when you really pay attention to the landscape, it is subtle yet clear.  As I mentioned, because I just pointed the camera and and clicked, many photos were blurry or not quite pointed at the subject (the land).  It was an amazing journey of change because I was paying attention. These are just a few of the photos to capture the evolution, next time I am the passenger and can focus on the photos I will do so and share them. 

After the long drive, I was finally back at the river.  I was struck by the smell of saltiness in the air, which I have not noticed for a very long time, and all the different plant life that I was not very attentive to in the past.  I will share more of what beauty the rivers offers while on this visit here.  Log cabin life is good, it is making me look at the simple things in life in a much closer and respectful way!

It is beautiful, indeed a different place than our cabin, but beautiful in-and-of-itself.

Thanks for visiting my blog, see you tomorrow!


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