Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Happy & Sad at the Same Time

Today I drove Liam to school, an unusual activity for us.  Here he is with his orange and action figure, ready for his day back at school (he's been out today and yesterday because of our special visit together).

It was my farewell to him for a while.  Hard to do that in the day care, but probably better for me.  Liam was a trooper, said "I love you Memere" several times, and came back to me for another hug a couple times.  I did really well, not breaking into tears.

Then I got back to the river house, and saw his bathing suit, and poof, I was in tears.  I had to remind myself how great our time together was, and that we will see each other again and spend some more 1:1 time together.  While I love my log cabin life, and my Mountain Man, and Pogo and Fluffy, I felt (and still, a little) saddened that it will be a while before I see him again. 

It made me remember how important it is to enjoy each moment, right now. 
  • So, I am remembering all the fun I had with Erin & Jessi & Liam while they were all here and then Liam, just he and I (or would that be him and me?). 
  • I am enjoying being in my river home on a gray day, which is probably contributing to my melancholy.  Yet I love rain, so let it pour! has yet to rain...
  • I am looking forward to getting back to our cabin and planting my sprouts that are waiting for me!
And I feel is good, I can't complain. 

It is strange to feel happy & sad at the same time, have you ever felt that way?

Thanks for reading my blog, see you tomorrow,

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