Thursday, May 24, 2012

Another Full Day...Newts, Wildflowers, Planting, Broken Shoes and Hematomas

Today passed by quickly...

We spent the morning planting again, zucchini, turnips, carrots, cherry tomatoes, and prepping a space for the three sisters, a space to grow corn, beans and squash in the same garden area.  There is a lovely three sisters legend that makes me happy we are planting in this way.  Upon arrival to the garden, Mountain Man discovered this beautiful baby Red Spotted Newt...

The spots and eyes are spectacular!

There's not much to my pictures of seeds and planted mounds, but you can be sure I have some.  There was a great sense of accomplishment today.  In addition to everything we currently have planted, we discovered that, though I was worried that our space was limited, we have a large garden plot for beginners, and we have a lot of garden space that can still be planted.  We came back to the cabin reviewing the seeds we have left and delightedly selected several more seeds to plant, including some red, yellow and orange peppers, cantaloupe, (all seeds cultivated from our river home garden), and a few other things we are still deciding upon.  So the planting will continue!

On my walk to the mailbox, I discovered a couple new wildflowers...

Cheery flowers!

Yesterday, I was very distressed that my shoe broke at the toe piece, not any shoe, but my very comfortable, "wear every day even if I have to have socks on flip flop shoe"!  I know, socks with flip flops is not the norm, but my feet get cold, then hot, then cold (like the rest of me these days) and these shoes made my feet and legs happy.  So, being the resourceful person I am, I tried to glue them...that lasted a day. So today, I bid my shoes goodbye. 

Finally, Johny and I needed to drain Pogo's hematoma.  It came back, not as bad as originally, but it was still there.  The Vet had told us what to do, and by George, we did it!  And Pogo was a trooper, and so far, does not appear to be as traumatized as having to go to the Vet. 

So here I am at the end of the day, feeling the muscle ache of the pick ax, hoe and rake from this morning...but appreciating that the effort will produce wonderful organic vegetables for a long time!  It's been a happy day:)

I bid you bonsoir!  Please feel free to leave a comment, I like the exchange with you!

Thank you for reading my blog, see you tomorrow,


  1. The little red newt is quite a handsome little thing! We don't have them here in NW Florida. So glad Pogo is doing better. Hope you'll consider removing word verification; it's rather difficult to decipher.

  2. Great work you all did today. You will have many rewards eating your produce!

  3. Thank you ladies!

    Mamabug, duly noted:)


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