Saturday, April 14, 2012

Our Weekly Trip Into Town

When we came to our cabin, we wanted to live simply, to eat from our land as much as reasonable, to improve the "footprint" we leave on this earth, and to decrease wasteful and/or unnecessary anything.  This involves changing many habits in our lives, one being the way we access "common goods" so to speak.  We live 4 miles up into a mountain, and about 20 miles from Sylva, a total trip of at least 40 minutes on a very good day.  So we can't just run to the store when we run out of something.  We decided that we would plan accordingly, make a list of what we need, and limit our shopping to a weekly trip.  Saturday is the day.

I love this trip for many reasons, the first being that along the way, incredible mountain vistas surround us as we drive.  And each day presents a slightly different look, depending on the weather and the season.  Then there are the charming historical buildings in both Dillsboro, a small town along the way, and Sylva, where Main Street really is THE main street!  There are a few other special treats during this weekly visit I would like to share...

The Sylva Farmers Market - an awesome market of local farmers with lovingly grown, raised, or hand made items.  I don't say this lightly, as each grower is passionate and knowledgeable about what they are selling and incredibly friendly to boot!  Last weekend, we purchased a rhubarb plant; we paid and asked the grower to hold it until we were ready to leave...we arrived home at the cabin and realized we forgot it.  When we went back today, he was all smiles and had our rhubarb, anticipating our return!  We were not surprised by this, but knew that if we were in Florida we would have our doubts.
Then there is the Sylva Sprouts Seed Lending Library, an awesome opportunity to get seeds from plants that have been grown successfully in this area.  All you have to do is return seeds from your own crop at the end of the season to continue the cycle.  We were really excited to be able to get some Cherokee Purple tomato seeds today, our favorite tomato. We can't wait to plant & eat them, and then share our seeds!

The The Sylva Public Library is a beautiful new library in the historic court house.  A great place to visit with a beautiful view of the mountains all around.

Another favorite stop is City Lights Bookstore.  They have new and used books, and can share a plethora of information about authors of this region.  They host authors to come for readings, music and have a lovely cafe downstairs, City Lights Cafe.

Of course there are the typical stores that one must frequent periodically to satisfy all grocery, home maintenance and personal care needs too!  We spend hours on this weekly trip, crossing off the items on our needs list as we go from spot to spot.  Finally, with a cooler holding the cold items from the grocery store, and bags of additional personal and home maintenance/building/gardening necessities, and the top rack with free pallets (great for building projects) strapped tightly, we begin the ride home, through the lovely town of Webster, where we take the back way on the winding mountain roads. 

I love this place.

And with that, I bid you good night, with this lovely sunset!

1 comment:

  1. I need to see if W'villa has a Seed Sprouts Lending type facility. Isn't it funny how the mountains bring out the eco-friendly-Ness in a person? My husband and I noticed that right away. Recycling just comes natural up there. I am also becoming more aware of packaging and purchase more ecco friendly packaging whenever possible. When we get up there permanently, I want to compost. Do compost pile attract bears? I had my first black bear encounter last year (gosh they'really cute! But scared me to death).


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