Thursday, April 26, 2012

It's a Rainy, Stormy Day

We rose this morning to grey skies, and shortly thereafter thunder, lightning and rain.  As you can see, things are really greening up, I suspect from all the rain we have had.  I love the rain.  The sound it makes on the tin roof.  The rumble of thunder and flash of lightning now and again.  Interestingly, I rarely see lightning here, just the flash...hmmmm, I will have to look into that...

For the first time while being here, I felt a little grey early on, a reflection of the beginning of the day I suppose.  Not because of being here, but of not being within a two hour drive of my daughters (Erin & Jessi) and grandson (Liam).  This is him; he is a sweet soul, full of joy and laughter and an intellegent guy!
I miss them.  Since the time of Liam's birth 3 1/2 years ago, I have seen him at least every 4 - 6 weeks.  But usually, the bug hits me about week 3, and then I make a plan.  Working around everything else that is going on, I either travel to them or them to us about every 4 weeks.  So I am at that 3 week cusp and I am missing them...deeply.  I do plan on heading south in a few more weeks, but it seems so far away!  But as the day progressed, and I knew I would be seeing them soon, my melancholy dissipated.  But I AM looking forward to those little Liam hugs and time with my girls!

I spent the rest of my day enjoying the rain, taking care of things indoors, although I did get my walk to the mailbox!  Johny completed the wood rack for our firewood, a big project and well done!  Now to chop all the wood we need for the winter to come, another big job!  Eventually, this rack will be filled with wood in anticipation of all the fires we will need to warm the cabin in our wood burning stove!
Later this evening, the sky broke loose again, with thunder and lightning and hail.  Not big enough to cause damage, but it sure made a loud pinging melody on the tin roof!  I just love that sound!

As I sit here writing, the evening progresses, and we still have rain.  And thunder rumbling in the distance, though sometimes getting a little closer, with the rain falling then pelting then falling again.  As the rain has ebbed and flowed, the shrouding of the clouds on the mountain view has been mesmerizing; hardly a moment has passed that there isn't a different cloak.  I'll leave you with this one, enjoy!

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