Friday, April 20, 2012

It Only Takes a Moment

Every day, I marvel at the beauty that surrounds me in these mountains.  I find a deep peacefulness in experiencing what nature has to offer, and in just "being".  There is so much to see, to smell, to hear.  As I walked about the mountain today...

I saw the woods surrounding me, and was awed by the simplicity of a white moth or butterfly, so small in comparison to the flower it was near...

I smelled the rich red clay soil with a worm crawling by, still moist from our recent heavy rain...

I heard the creek loudly gurgling, slapping on the rocks as it rushed along it's path...

After dinner, I stood on my porch, heard the birds singing, the chimes chiming, the creek rushing, and a hummer buzzing at the feeder...I made a video to capture these sounds, but I cannot get it to upload...not yet anyway, still working at mastering this blogging technology.
So may I suggest that you take a  moment, close your eyes, and imagine yourself in your favorite space, and enjoy:)  As Seals & Crofts sang, "We may never pass this way again"!
Would you like to share your favorite space and what it conjures up for you?


  1. Lisa, love you blog , I'm from NC and am now living in Thailand where I have lived with my Thai wife Ciejay for the past 10 years, Tipper is a cousin of mine , I put you blog on my side bar as blogs I follow and If you would , could you do the same for me , I think you and your readers will enjoy my blog.
    I look foward to lots more post from you. Malcolm

  2. Absolutely Malcolm! I usually do sign up for people's blogs who comment, so I am more than happy to become a follower ane follow your blog! It looks very interesting, similar to what I am doing only you are in Thailand! What an adventure for you. Thanks for following and I'll be seeing you in the blogging world:)


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