Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The First Day of My Log Cabin Life

The adventure has begun, a journey that is sure to take me to places unknown.  This is day 1!  I am excited.  I am a little nervous (being that what I know, my professional life in the nonprofit world is on hold for a year, and my log cabin life is familiar in the short term perspective, but not long term).  I am thrilled with and grateful for this opportunity. I am at peace.
We (that would be me, my husband Johny, Pogo [dog] and Fluffy [cat]) arrived at the cabin with all the joys of freshly budding spring awaiting our arrival.  Being 3600 feet up the mountain, there are still many reminders of winter...many bare trees, the grass still struggling to push through the top of the earth, a slight chill in the air.  But spring shows promise, with the Dogwoods just beginning to bud, the Maples developing delicate redish/orangish/yellowish infantile leaves and fruit/seed pods, and the fruit we planted last year, 3 raspberry & 2 gooseberry bushes, 3 apple & 2 chestnut trees are all sprouting young green leaves that make us feel like proud parents!  We have not had the opportunity to see this part of spring before, this is one of the reasons to embark on this log cabin life for a year!

I want to add a disclaimer that I am not an aficionado of mountain flora and fauna at this point, so you will have to forgive my lack of scientific knowledge when describing these delights!      

We did encounter an important life reminder on our drive today: to always expect the unexpected.  We came upon an accident on the road which deterred our trip by about 5 miles and 1 hour.  Interestingly, the road closure bypass was through a very small town, Saluda NC, which we drive by each and every trip.  Johny always wanted to take a side trip through that town, but we never did because we were always “on our way to” or “on our way back” with time constraints to boot.  So we were “forced” to drive through this lovely small town, quaint with a charming main street that extended one block, vibrant spring flowering plants, and rolling hills.  Enchanting!  Our first adventure on this great adventure!

Thank you for reading my blog, please feel free to comment, subscribe and/or follow.  I plan to post daily and hope to have you join me again.   

PS, that slight chill I mentioned earlier, well, it’s becoming coldJ  I do believe I will still have to use my heating blanket, woo hoo!  Forgot to mention I love the cold. 


  1. maybe this year will help with the hot flashes... i love you both and miss you so much...

  2. Lise - I love the cold too - why in the heck do we live in Florida? Looking forward to living vicariously through you! It looks absolutely beautiful! Julie

  3. Hi Lisa! My husband and I own a cabin in Waynesville. Unfortjnately, we do not live there. I am hoping and praying that changes. Your blog is enlightening and encouraging. I just found your blog this evening. I hope I found the beginning (I am having to use my phone - no access to a computer at the moment). I am enjoying your blog and am eager to learn of your adventures.

  4. Hi Lisa! My husband and I own a cabin in Waynesville. Unfortjnately, we do not live there. I am hoping and praying that changes. Your blog is enlightening and encouraging. I just found your blog this evening. I hope I found the beginning (I am having to use my phone - no access to a computer at the moment). I am enjoying your blog and am eager to learn of your adventures.


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